Euphorbia robivelonae

I bought this plant at Fairchild Gardens in Coral Gables, online sales. The flowers are numerous and small (< 1/8″), and it seems to bloom year round.

The flowers on the Fairchild website, show a definite more pinkish color. It is an endangered plant from Madagascar. It is definitely an Euphorbia, because when cut, the white sap pours out, just like a Crown of Thorns. So, I’ve taken a few cutting, tried to start more plants. It’s all too early to tell.

Euphorbias in general are succulents and like full sun and dry conditions. This one is just the opposite, as Fairchild recommends wetter conditions (wetter than other Euphorbias) and partial shade. Interesting! At present, my plant looks like it is thinning out in the center. Perhaps it needs more watering or less sun.

I’ve got no new plant sales to report. If anyone hears of one I’ve missed, please let me know.

Happy Gardening,


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