Ravenea Hildebrandii (Dwarf Majesty Palm)

I have just updated the plant sales list. I neglected to include the OFE January Sale, in Homestead this weekend (Jan 27 and 28) with many local growers. They close Sunday at 3:00 pm.  I welcome all suggestions on future plant sales.

Ravenea hildebrandii is also known as the Inazi palm and is native to the Comoro Islands. It is in the same family as the very common Majesty palm. It is an understory palm in the rainforest. Interestingly, it prefers alkaline conditions, like we have in South Florida, according to the Pascoa website (pascoa.org.au). The website lists other species of Ravenea, which can be hard to find and challenging to grow.

Ravenea hildebrandii is best grown in partial sunlight and moist conditions. It needs a protected area like near a fence or corner of a lot. I’ve had mine growing for around 10 years and it is only about 5′ tall. I check it regularly, as the fronds seem to attract mealy bugs. I feed it slow release fertilizer (probably needs more). 

It is a very attractive palm, rarely growing more than 8 ft tall. It is not easy to find, but palm shows, like the ones at South Florida Palm Society and Palm Beach Cycad and Palm Society, have vendors who can help locate this palm. Also, Floribunda Palms in Hawaii has seedlings for sale.

As my garden is getting crowded, any dwarf plant, is welcomed! In the future, I will be posting images of the Zamia pygmaea, as soon is it gets more than 5 cm tall.

Happy Gardening,


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